The insights from last week’s blog on how to become a game-changer and create strong habits are just 3 of many valuable tips in “High-Performance Habits” by Brendon Burchard.

Besides the topics covered then (focus on leaders’ internal development), we will focus here on these items that focus more on how to interact in the fast-changing world around:

  1. Increase productivity
  2. Build influence
  3. Take courageous decisions

It’s not just about helping you figure out who your true self is, or what life goals really mean. You want to get people the tools you need so you can show up in the world authentically and create the change you want to see.

1. Increase productivity

Summary: Set goals that are personally meaningful. Be fully focused and spend 60% of your workweek on these goals consistently.

The key to success is knowing what really matters and then doing those things with all of your might. Most people know this, but they forget along the way as their priorities shift or someone else takes over for them in compromising on occasion; it can lead you down a harmful path if not careful enough! So find out how emotional goals will make an impactful difference to improve your focus and motivation.

Check-in with yourself:

  • What does success mean for you personally? Is it money, work-life balance, happiness, and progress?
  • In order to get going: If there were only 5 steps necessary to reach your biggest, truly meaningful goal, what would they look like?

2. Build influence

As I was not sure what to do with this until a few months ago, developing influence does not mean manipulating others. It’s the next level of maturity in your leadership and development journey after you have done homework on why and how clearly (and productivity). Once clear about those things; it’s time extend that clarity towards teaching people how they can think through mindset shifts or different frameworks for success- which will lead them down their own path!

Here are 3 questions to get clearer of how you want to develop:

  • How do you want to think about yourself?
  • How do you want to think about the world?
  • How do you want to think about others?

And always be role-modeling what you want to see in others!

3. Take courageous decisions

To be a true leader, you need more than just courage. You must also have the ability and sense of responsibility to take charge when necessary; this often means speaking up or acting without hesitation in uncertain situations – no matter how difficult they may seem at first glance for someone who’s not accustomed to them yet!

Live your life with a sense of purpose. Your why will keep you going when the tough times come, and it begins by asking yourself what does living courageously mean for YOU? Living a more courageous life is about taking small steps toward your dreams. It means defining what it takes for you to live this way and then doing so every day, no matter how big or scary things seem at first glance.

Your courageous journey can start now – it’s all in your hands!

Here are some additional questions my leadership clients often ask:

Q: How should one determine specific strategies or techniques for implementing mindset shifts and successful frameworks when extending clarity to help others develop influence?

Determining specific strategies for implementing mindset shifts and successful frameworks to help others develop influence often involves a combination of psychological principles, communication skills, and leadership techniques. Understanding individual motivations, emotional intelligence, and the dynamics of influence can guide the development of tailored strategies. For example, techniques like active listening, empathy, and fostering trust are commonly used to build influence and drive mindset shifts in others.

Q: How can the concept of building influence be applied across various professional contexts beyond leadership roles, such as team members or individual contributors?

The concept of building influence is not limited to traditional leadership roles but can be applied across various professional contexts. In a team setting, individuals can cultivate influence by demonstrating expertise, fostering collaboration, and supporting their colleagues’ growth. Similarly, individual contributors can build influence by consistently delivering high-quality work, offering innovative solutions, and actively engaging with their peers to create a positive impact within their organization.

Q: Are there any examples or case studies within the text that illustrate the process of taking bold decisions while maintaining authenticity and avoiding manipulation?

Real-world examples and case studies can provide valuable insights into the process of taking bold decisions while maintaining authenticity and avoiding manipulation. For instance, successful leaders often share stories of challenging decisions they made based on their values and principles, even when faced with uncertainty or opposition. By examining these examples, readers can gain a deeper understanding of how ethical leadership and genuine decision-making can lead to long-term success and positive outcomes.

Miguel Baumann coaching blog
Hi, I am Miguel

I support leaders in tech to shine with confidence and take charge of their careers.

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